Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Yoga Poses:
- Gomukhasana (Cow Face)
[Pic of Pose]
-Garudasana (Eagle)
[Pic of Pose]
-Different Types of Backbends
[#1] [#2] [#3]
     These are just a few examples of the types of poses that you can do to work your Anahata chakra. As you can see from the pictures, these poses all stretch and open your chest, relaxing the chakra. In these poses we try and make our hearts higher than our heads. 
Credit: http://www.yogajournal.com/basics/898?page=5

Types of Foods:
Vegetables- Spinach, Kale, Dandelion Greens, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Celery, & Squash
Drinks- Green Teas
Spices- Basil, Sage, Thyme, Cilantro, & Parsley
        As you can see all of the types of foods that are suggested for Anahata are green and leafy. All of the spices, vegetables, and drinks listed above are known for their helping hand to your heart.
Credit: http://www.pillars-of-light.com/learning/13-foods-that-fuel-your-chakras


Gemstones/Crystals for Healing:
Aventurine- Physical health and balancing the heart
Emerald- Spiritual aspects of love
Green Calcite- Gets rid of old beliefs based on fear
Green Tourmaline- Opens creative elements in heart
Bloodstone- Helps circulate blood flow
Peridot- Releases blocked energies
Lepidolite- Calms heart and removes stress
Pink Calcite- Helps open heart, so it can receive selfless love
Rhodonite- Gains patiences with others
Rosenquarts- Creating our unconditional love and self love
        Most of the gems and crystals have a natural or main color of green, purple, or pink. 
Credit: http://www.sunnyray.org/Anahata-crystals.htm

Essential Oils:
       Like the Gemstones and Crystals the oils tended to follow the pattern of greens, purples, reds, and pinks as their colors. Another trend in the essential oils is that most of them are fruits or flowers.
Credit: http://www.aromaweb.com/essentialoilschakras/heartchakra.asp

Ruling Planet:

      The ruling planet for this chakra is Venus. Venus is named after the Roman goddess for love, so naturally the Heart chakra would be controlled by this planet.
Credit: http://celestial-alchemy.com/about/alchemy/spiritual-alchemy/chakras/anahata-heart-chakra/

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